We are currently targeting June 21st - 22nd for our Opening Weekend for the 2025 Season. Ultimately nature dedicates our bloom, so check back here or on IG (@FrogCreekFarmOjai) to see if these dates change.
Our season typically lasts between 3 or 4 weekends with the duration determined by the weather and temperatures we experience in the Upper Ojai Valley.
During the U-Pick Season we are open from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. only on Saturday and Sunday.
No Reservation required during normal operating hours.
As a reminder there are no restrooms on the Farm, so please plan accordingly.
Saturday Sunset Harvests
Once again this year we will be offering sunset hour 6-8pm Saturday nights only.
Pack a picnic basket, lay out a blanket and harvest some bundles while enjoying a sunset at the farm.
U-pick bundles of lavender sell for $12/bundle. We also offer homemade lavender based products like soaps, lotions, sprays, essential oils and jams. Other cut flowers like zinnias, and stone fruits are seasonally available.
Come join us in the field to pick your own beautiful U-Pick bundle of lavender, listen to the buzz of the busy bees doing their thing, and sip some lavender-lemonade.
We are a petite, boutique farm that provides a tranquil experience in nature and a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Frog Creek Farm Ojai is a working farm and animals, insects, reptiles, and birds may be encountered while voluntarily visiting the farm. Precautions should be taken to avoid potential encounters. For example, if you are allergic to bee stings, please take all necessary precautions to ensure your health and safety. The farm is rustic and offers mulched pathways.Closed toe shoes are recommended.We are not wheelchair accessibility and have no ramps, but we are happy to bring you products from the farm to your car. Visitors to the farm may freely elect to harvest lavender with sharp tools, (e.g., scissors).Frog Creek Farm Ojai and its owners assumes no responsibility for any harms, damages, injuries, losses or liabilities incurred by any persons or pets who visits, engages or transacts with Frog Creek Farm Ojai and its owners, or resulting from the actions of Frog Creek Farm Ojai and its owners.